Percy Pitt

Percy Pitt was instrumental in bringing Hans Richter to London for the famed Covent Garden Ring Cycles of the early 20th Century, and later on joined the fledgling BBC as its music director, making numerous records with the BBC Wireless Symphony Orchestra, including many “Operatic selections” both on Columbia and its sister label, Regal.

I’d recommend Daniel Chamier’s book “Percy Pitt of Covent Garden and the BBC”, published in 1938. Pitt died during the night of November 22nd 1932, probably from a heart attack. He was only 62. The book is very much a glowing tribute to the man, and therefore paints a very positive picture, but also makes clear that though he may not have been one of the greats, he was a very fine musician – a conductor, pianist, composer, arranger – and a very good music director both at Covent Garden and at the BBC. He spent a very fruitful time in mainland Europe as a student, and was competent in several languages. The letters between him and Richter quoted in the book suggest a very strong and close working relationship, particularly where it comes to their efforts to champion opera in English at Covent Garden, particularly focused around the English Ring of 1908. After that it was very much a losing battle with the syndicate to get opera in the vernacular in the house. It was left to the Beecham Opera Company and the Carl Rosa company to continue the fight, and to perform a wider repertoire than the very traditional one that the syndicate at Covent Garden promoted.

In the early years at the BBC Pitt conducted live broadcasts of several operas – Hansel and Gretel (the first live opera broadcast in Europe, complete on Jan 6 1923), The Magic Flute, Pagliacci, Siegfried, Marriage of Figaro, Faust and Madam Butterfly. Then there was a broadcast of La Boheme with Melba as Mimi.

Like Adrian Boult some years later, Pitt was forcibly retired from the BBC when he reached the age of 60, in January 1929. Hamilton Harty assumed that Pitt’s retirement was voluntary, and wrote to hope that it wasn’t for health reasons.

It’s a fascinating biography, and well worth seeking out a copy.

Prior to his work in the Columbia studios with the BBC Wireless SO, Pitt conducted for HMV – mainly as an accompanist for singers such as Louise Kirkby Lunn, Clarence Whitehill, Luisa Tetrazzini, Minnie Saltzmann-Stevens, Maria Gay, Emmy Destinn, John McCormack, Titta Ruffo, Fernand Ansseau, Miriam Licette, Edith Evans, Rosina Buckman, Robert Radford, Edna Thornton, Marie Louise Edvina, Graziella Pareto, Dmitri Smirnov, Florence Austral and Chaliapin. It’s also worth noting that Pitt did make some purely orchestral records with HMV: Wagner excerpts in particular, and interestingly in 1912, the 2 Intermezzi from Wolf-Ferrari’s Jewels of the Madonna – which he recorded again for Columbia in 1926.

NB – Hans Richter’s conducting is discussed in Filson Young’s 1911 study of music and musicians, “More Mastersingers”, within a section on The Art of the Conductor.

Percy Pitt – discography

Gramophone Company – Pitt conducting “orchestra” unless otherwise noted

20th December 1907 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano

2170f              053141              Rigoletto: Caro nome (Verdi)
2171f              053142              Mignon: Io son Titania (Thomas)
2172f              053150              Lakmé: Dov’è l’indiana bruna (Delibes)
2175f              053143              Dinorah: Ombra leggiera (Meyerbeer)
2176f              053144              Lucia di Lammermoor: Splendon le sacri faci (Donizetti)
2177f              053145              Le Nozze di Figaro: Voi che sapete (Mozart)
2178f              053146              Il Barbiere di Siviglia: Una voce poco fa (Rossini)
2179f              053147              La Traviata: Follia! Follia! … Sempre libera (Verdi)
2180f              053148              Don Giovanni: Batti batti o bel Masetto (Mozart)

July 1908 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano – Pitt not credited in matrix listings; label for 053195 names him as conductor

2524f              053195              Romeo e Giulietta: Nella calma, Valzer (Gounod)                                      DB542

August 1908 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano

2573f              053196              La Traviata: Ah fors’è lui (Verdi)
2574f                                        Mignon: Io son Titania (Thomas)                                          EMI CDH 7 68303 2

September 1908 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano

2585f                                        Die Zauberflöte: Gli angui d’inferno (Mozart)                        EMI CDH 7 63803 2
2586f              053197              Voci di Primavera, Walzer (Johann Strauss) (with piano, Pitt)

10th February 1909 – Peter Cornelius, tenor (in Danish)

2800f                                        Die Walküre: Vinterstorme (Wagner)
2801f              042198              Die Walküre: Vinterstorme (Wagner)                                    082034 082036 M43
2802f              082043              Hun sover i ly (Rosenfeld)
2803f              042199              Fliegende Holländer: Styrmandsang – Fra det stormende hav (Wagner) 082033 M43

12th February 1909 – Minnie Saltzmann-Stevens, soprano; Clarence Whitehill, baritone

2811f                                        Die Walküre: Seek not, o maiden (Wagner)
2812f              04041                Die Walküre: Seek not, o maiden (Wagner)                                             HMB106

12th February 1909 – Clarence Whitehill, baritone

2813f              2-042000           Die beiden Grenadiere (Schumann)
2814f              042196              Tannhäuser: Wohl wüsst‘ ich (Wagner)
2815f                                        Tannhäuser: O Star of Eve

15th February 1909 – Minnie Saltzmann-Stevens, soprano

2816f              03135                Götterdämmerung: Closing scene (Wagner), in English
2817f                                        Götterdämmerung: Closing scene (Wagner), in English

15th February 1909 – Minnie Saltzmann-Stevens, soprano; Peter Cornelius, tenor

2818f                                        Walküre: Siegfried, sieh’ auf mich (Wagner)
2819f              044107              Walküre: Wer bist Du, sag’ (Todesverkündigung)                                   HMB106
2820f              044111              Siegfried: Dich lieb’ ich (Wagner)

15th February 1909 – Clarence Whitehill, baritone

2821f              042197              Das Rheingold: Abendlich strahlt (Wagner)
2822f                                        Das Rheingold: Abendlich strahlt (Wagner)

20th May 1909 – Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto

3069f                                        Samson et Dalila: Mon coeur s’ouvre (Saint-Saëns)
3070f                                        Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commencent
3071f                                        Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commencent
3072f              03146                Faust: When all was young (Gounod)
3073f                                        Samson et Dalila: Mon coeur s’ouvre (Saint-Saëns)
3074f                                        Don Carlos: O don fatale (Verdi)
3075f                                        Don Carlos: O don fatale (Verdi)

25th May 1909 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano

3076f              053222              Un Ballo in Maschera: Saper vorreste (Verdi)
3077f              053223              Lucia di Lammermoor: Regnava nel silenzio (Donizetti)                             DB528
3078f              053224              Lucia di Lammermoor: Quando rapita in estasi                                           DB528
3079f              053225              Carnevale di Venezia (Benedict), pt 1
3080f              053226              Carnevale di Venezia (Benedict), pt 2

25th May 1909 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano

3086f              03182                a) Love is a dream (Pitt); b) O that we two were maying (Nevin)
3087f              03174                When the stars were young (Rubens)
3088f              03142                Three fishers went sailing (Hullah)
3089f                                        A white rose (Pitt)

2nd June 1909 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano

3101f              053227              La Sonnambula: Ah non credea (Bellini), with cello obbligato
3102f              053228              I Pescatori di Perle: Siccome un dì (Bizet)                                                  DB544

2nd June 1909 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano with Percy Pitt, piano

3103f              053229              Aprile (Tosti)                                                                                           DB538
3104f              053230              La serenata (Tosti)

29th June 1909 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto

3196f              2-053001           La Clemenza di Tito: Non più di fiori (Mozart)
3197f              2-053000           Don Carlos: O don fatale (Verdi)
3198f                                        Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commencent (Saint-Saëns)
3199f              2-033001           Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commencent (Saint-Saëns)
                            (3200 to 3399 not used, presumably omitted in error)
3400f                                        Samson et Dalila: Mon coeur s’ouvre (Saint-Saëns)
3401f              2-033002           Samson et Dalila: Mon coeur s’ouvre (Saint-Saëns)

5th July 1909 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano

3423                2-053012           I Pescatori di Perle: Brahma gran dio (Bizet)                                              DB544
3424                                          Romeo e Giulietta: Valzer (Gounod)
3425                                          Romeo e Giulietta: Valzer (Gounod)
3426                2-053013           Mirella: Valzer (Gounod)                                                                          DB703
3426-2                                      Mirella: Valzer (Gounod) (transfer from 3426)
3427                                          Mignon: Polacca (Thomas)

28th July 1909 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano

3551                2-063001           Las Hijas del Zebedeo: Carceleras (Chapi)

5th November 1909 – Maria Gay, mezzo-soprano

3797f              2-033017           Samson et Dalila: Mon coeur s’ouvre (Saint-Saëns)
3798f                                        Samson et Dalila: Mon coeur s’ouvre (Saint-Saëns)
3799f                                        Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commencent
3800f              2-063003           Carmen: Habanera (Bizet)
3801f                                        Carmen: Habanera (Bizet)
3802f              2-033019           Berceuse (Flies-Mozart)

8th November 1909 – Maria Gay, mezzo-soprano

3803f              2-053018           Il Trovatore: Stride la vampa (Verdi)                                                           VB31
3804f              2-053011           Il Trovatore: Giorni poveri (Condotta all’era)
3805f                                        Carmen: Seguidille (Bizet)
3806f              2-063002           Carmen: Air des cartes
3807f              2-053016           Don Giovanni: Vedrai carina (Mozart)
3808f                                        Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commencent (Saint-Saëns)
3809f              2-053017           Orfeo ed Eurydice: Che farò (Gluck)

9th November 1909 – Maria Gay, mezzo-soprano

3810f                                        Cavalleria Rusticana: Voi lo sapete (Mascagni)
3811f                                        Cavalleria Rusticana: Voi lo sapete (Mascagni)
3812f              2-033018           Samson et Dalila: Amour viens aider (Saint-Saëns)
3813f              2-033016           Alceste: Divinités du Styx (Gluck)
3814f                                        Orfeo ed Eurydice: Deh placatevi con me (Gluck), with chorus
3815f                                        Orfeo ed Eurydice: Deh placatevi con me (Gluck), with chorus
3816f              2-063000           Carmen: Chanson boema – Les tringles (Bizet)
3817f                                        Carmen: Chanson boema – Les tringles (Bizet)

30th June 1910 – Francis Macmillen, violin with New Symphony Orchestra

4259f                                        Piano concerto (Mendelssohn) (Violin concerto)
4260f              07924                Concerto in A Op 28: Air (Goldmark)                                                       047933

2nd November 1910 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano

4576f              2-053035           Linda di Chamounix: O luce di quest’anima (Donizetti)
4577f              2-053033           I Vespri Siciliani: Mercè diletti amichi (Verdi)
4578f              2-053034           Semiramide: Bel raggio (Rossini)                                                    DB537 VB15
4579f              2-053030           L’eco (Erhardt)
4580f              2-053031           Peer Gynt: Canzone di Solveig (Grieg)
4581f              2-053032           Armino: Pur dicesti (Lotti)                                                                      not used

16th June 1911 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano

5085f              03245                Auld Robin Gray (trad)

3rd July 1911 – Emmy Destinn, soprano; John McCormack, tenor

5130f                                        Mira la bianca luna (Rossini)
5131f                                        Mira la bianca luna (Rossini)

3rd July 1911 – Emmy Destinn, soprano

5132f                                        Madama Butterfly: Un bel dì vedremo (Puccini)                                          76140
5133f              2-053052           Madama Butterfly: Un bel dì vedremo (Puccini)                                          76141
5134f              2-053053           La Tosca: Vissi d’arte (Puccini)

6th July 1911 – Emmy Destinn, soprano; Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto

5143f              2-054020           La Gioconda: L’amo come il fulgor del creato (Ponchielli)
5144f              2-054020X         La Gioconda: L’amo come il fulgor del creato (Ponchielli)                          DB517
5145f              2-054023           Aida: Ebben, qual nuovo fremito (Verdi)

6th July 1911 – Emmy Destinn, soprano

5146f                                        Aida: L’insana parola … Ritorna vincitor! (Verdi)
5147f              2-053054           Aida: L’insana parola … Ritorna vincitor! (Verdi)                             76157 DB646

18th July 1911 – Emmy Destinn, soprano; John McCormack, tenor

5203f              2-054019           Mira la bianca luna (Rossini)                                                      DK123 IRX1015

18th July 1911 –John McCormack, tenor; Mario Sammarco, baritone

5204f                                        La Gioconda: O grido di quest’anima (Ponchielli)
5205f              2-054021           Il Barbiere di Siviglia: All’idea di quel metallo (Rossini)    DB608 VB33 IRX1013
5206f              2-054022           La Gioconda: O grido di quest’anima (Ponchielli)              DB608 VB33 IRX1013

20th September 1911 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto – Pitt not credited in matrix listings; label for 2-033028 names him as conductor

z5469f              2-033031           Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commencent (Saint-Saëns)
5470f                                        Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commencent (Saint-Saëns)
5471f                                        Carmen: Pres des remparts de Séville, Seguidille (Bizet)
z5472f             2-033028           Carmen: Pres des remparts de Séville, Seguidille (Bizet)                             DB508
z5473f             2-033029           Carmen: L’amour est un oiseau rebelle, Habanera                                       DB508
z5474f             03257                Faust: When all was young (Gounod)

31st October 1911 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto

5666f                                        Rienzi: O righteous God (Wagner)
z5667f             03440                Rienzi: O righteous God (Wagner)
z5668f             03269                Elijah: O rest in the Lord (Mendelssohn)
z5669f             03272                Xerxes: Largo (Rest)(Handel), organ STANLEY ROPER
5670f                                        Xerxes: Largo (Rest)(Handel), organ STANLEY ROPER
5671f                                        Don Carlos: O don fatale (Verdi)

2nd April 1912 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano

6215f                                        In sweet September (Hope Temple)
ah15118e                                   One spring morning (Nevin)
ah15119e                                   One spring morning (Nevin)
ah15120e                                   Love is a dream (Pitt)
ah15121e                                   Love is a dream (Pitt)
ah15122e         3913                  Little brown bird (del Riego)                                                                     DA435

11th July 1912 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto

z6316f             2-053074           La Gioconda: Voce di donna (Ponchielli)
6317f                                        Alceste: Divinités du Styx (Gluck)
6318f                                        Alceste: Divinités du Styx (Gluck)
z6319f             03302                The Prodigal Son: Love not the world (Sullivan)
z6320f             2-053075           Rinaldo: Lascia ch’io piango (Handel)                                                       DB505

13th July 1912 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano, plus organ

z6326f                                       There is a green hill (Gounod), with piano & organ
z6327f             03316                There is a green hill (Gounod), with piano & organ                                     DB503
6328f                                        The lost chord (Sullivan), with piano & organ
z6329f             03325                The lost chord (Sullivan), with piano & organ
z6330f             03295                a) Rose in the bud (Dorothy Forster);
b) It is not because your heart is mine (Herman Löhr)
z6331f             03287                In sweet September (Hope Temple)
6332f                                        Golden days (Sullivan)
z6333f                                       Golden days (Sullivan))
y15320e          3918                  Down here the lilacs fade (Maud)

22nd August 1912 – Symphony Orchestra conducted by Pitt

HO223ai              020675              Le Cosakchoque (Dargomizhsky)                                             0760 030638 W78
HO223½ai                                     Le Cosakchoque (Dargomizhsky)
HO224ai                                        Valse caprice (Rubinstein)
HO224½ai                                     Valse caprice (Rubinstein)
HO225ai              0758                  I Gioielli della Madonna: Intermezzo after Act 2 (Wolf-Ferrari)     030599 040725,
2-0250580, D194 S4096 W65
HO226ai              0759                  I Gioielli della Madonna: Intermezzo after Act 3           030600 040726 2-0250581
D194 S4096 W65
HO227ai                                        I Gioielli della Madonna: Intermezzo after Act 3
HO228ai              Test                    No title
HO229ai              Test                    No title
HO230ai              020699              Valse caprice (Rubinstein)

17th October 1912 – Orchestra (Imperial Philharmonic Orchestra) conducted by Pitt

z6696f                                       Philemon & Baucis: Vulcan’s song (Gounod), accompaniment only
z6697f             0797                  Petite Suite de Concert: Demande et réponse (Coleridge Taylor)
z6698f             0798                  Petite Suite de Concert: Un sonnet d‘amour

21st October 1912 – Clarence Whitehill, baritone

y15829e                                    Faust: The Calf of Gold (Gounod)
y15830e          4-2235               Faust: The Calf of Gold (Gounod)                                                             DA522

24th December 1912 – Titta Ruffo, baritone

6933f              2-052075           La Favorita: Vien Leonora (Donizetti)                                                     AGSB91

16th September 1913 – Edmund Burke, tenor

7502f                                        Thaïs: Venez, anges du ciel (Massenet)
7503f                                        La Jolie Fille de Perth: Quand la flamme de l’amour (Bizet)
7504f                                        Benvenuto Cellini: Combien de fois au jour (Diaz)
7505f                                        Benvenuto Cellini: Combien de fois au jour (Diaz)
7506f                                        Thaïs: Venez, anges du ciel (Massenet)

23rd October 1913 – Alice Lakin, soprano with Percy Pitt, piano

7569f                                        Nobody else (Crimp)
7570f                                        Nobody else (Crimp)
17098e                                      Irish love song (Lang)
17099e                                      Irish love song (Lang)

29th October 1914 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano, Stanley Roper, organ

ak18447e         2-3054               A psalm of love (Forster)                                                                          DA437
ak18448e         2-3042               Harvest (del Riego)                                                                                  DA433
ak18449e                                   Harvest (del Riego)
ak18450e         2-3063               Soul of mine (Barnes)                                                                               DA437
ak18451e                                   Soul of mine (Barnes)
ak18452e                                   I dream of a garden of sunshine (Lohr), with piano only
al8132f            03395                Entreat me not to leave thee (Gounod)                                                       DB504
8133f                                        Entreat me not to leave thee (Gounod)

25th October 1915 – Nora d’Argel, soprano; William Samuell, baritone

HO2002ab                                 Sincerity (E Clarke)
HO2003ab       2-4337               Friendship (Marzials)                                                                                   E104
HO1150ac       04139                Sincerity (Clarke)                                                                                        D297
HO1151ac       04158                Go, pretty rose (Marzials)
HO1152ac                                 Go, pretty rose (Marzials)
HO1153ac                                 Rigoletto: Dear child, recall not (Verdi)
HO1154ac       04140                Rigoletto: Dear child, recall not (Verdi)                                                        D298
HO1155ac       04141                Rigoletto: Gilda, Gilda                                                                                D298
HO1156ac                                 Rigoletto: Gilda, Gilda

1st November 1915 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto

HO1168ac                                 Samson et Dalila: Mon coeur s’ouvre (Saint-Saëns)
HO1169ac                                 Samson et Dalila: Mon coeur s’ouvre (Saint-Saëns)
HO1170ac                                 Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commencent
HO1171ac       2-033031           Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commencent                                            DB509
HO1172ac       2-033031X         Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commencent                                            DB509
HO1173ac                                 Samson et Dalila: Amour, viens aider ma faiblesse
HO1174ac                                 Samson et Dalila: Amour, viens aider ma faiblesse

5th November 1915 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano

HO1194ac       03142X              Three fishers (Hullah)                                                                               DB511
HO1195ac       03448                On the banks of Allan Water (trad)
HO1196ac       03447                The land o’ the leal (trad)                                                                          DB735
HO1197ac                                 The land o’ the leal (trad)
HO2038ab                                 O that we two were Maying (Nevin)
HO2039ab       2-3139               O that we two were Maying (Nevin)
HO2040ab                                 Jock o’ Hazeldean (Scott)
HO2041ab       2-3138               Jock o’ Hazeldean (Scott)                                                                         DA435

10th November 1915 – Jeanne Brola, soprano

HO1217ac       03449                La Tosca: The prayer (Vissi d’arte)(Puccini)                                                 D198
HO1218ac                                 La Bohème: They call me Mimi (Puccini)
HO1219ac       03464                La Bohème: They call me Mimi (Puccini)                                                     D197

10th November 1915 – William Samuel, baritone

HO1220ac       02631                Romeo and Juliet: Queen Mab (Gounod)                                                      D274
HO1221ac       02614                The Tales of Hoffmann: Mirror song (Offenbach)                                         D274

11th November 1915 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto

HO1222ac       2-053121           Orfeo ed Eurydice: Che farò (Gluck)                                                          DB505
HO1223ac       03257                Faust: When all was young (Gounod)                                                         DB503
HO1224ac                                 Don Carlos: O don fatale (Verdi)
HO2061ab       7-33013             Carmen: Seguidille – Près des remparts de Séville (Bizet)                           DA436
HO2062ab       7-33012             Carmen: Habanera – L’amour est un oiseau rebelle                                    DA436

30th November 1915 – Evelyn Matthews, soprano; John Harrison, tenor

HO1308ac       04147                Faust: Let me gaze (Gounod)                                                                       D304
HO1309ac                                 Faust: Let me gaze (The hour is late)

30th November 1915 – John Harrison, tenor, Chorus (Ernest Pike, Peter Dawson, Gee, Wynne)

HO1310ac                                 The Mikado: A wand’ring minstrel (Sullivan)
HO1311ac                                 The Mikado: A wand’ring minstrel (Sullivan)
HO1312ac                                 The Tales of Hoffmann: Legend of Kleinsack (Offenbach)
HO1313ac                                 The Tales of Hoffmann: Legend of Kleinsack (Offenbach)

17th December 1915 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto

HO1376                                    Mignon: Connais-tu le pays (Thomas)
HO1377                                    Faust: Flower song (Gounod)
HO1378                                    Faust: Flower song (Gounod)
HO1379                                    La Gioconda: Voce di donna (Ponchielli)
HO2250ab                                 Mignon: Gavotte – Io veder (Thomas)

4th April 1916 – Miriam Licette, soprano

HO1724ac       2-053122           La Traviata: Ah, fors’è lui (Verdi)                                                                D109
HO1725ac                                 La Traviata: Sempre libera
HO1726ac       2-053123           La Traviata: Sempre libera                                                                           D109
HO1727ac       03482                Romeo and Juliette: Waltz song (Gounod)                                                    D113
HO1728ac                                 Romeo and Juliette: Waltz song (Gounod)

4th April 1916 – Mayfair Orchestra, Pitt

HO2717ab       2-552                 The Tales of Hoffmann: Intermezzo (Offenbach)                                           B836

3rd May 1916 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano

HO1807ac                                 Daddy (Behrend)
HO1808ac       03499                Daddy (Behrend)                                                                                      DB514
HO1809ac       03287X              In sweet September (Hope Temple)                                                           DB512
HO1810ac       03537                She wore a wreath of roses (Knight)
HO2816ab                                 Memories (A memory)(Goring Thomas)
HO2817ab                                 Memories (A memory)(Goring Thomas)
HO2818ab                                 In sweet September (Hope Temple)
HO2819ab       2-3191               A memory (Goring Thomas)                                                                     DA434
HO2820ab                                 Slave song (del Riego)

13th July 1916 – Edith Evans, soprano with Percy Pitt, piano

HO1989af                                 Cavalleria Rusticana: Santuzza’s romance (Mascagni)
HO1990af                                 Cavalleria Rusticana: Santuzza’s romance (Mascagni)
HO1991af                                 Ivanhoe: Lord of our chosen race (Sullivan)
HO1992af       03515                Ivanhoe: Lord of our chosen race (Sullivan)                                                  D220
HO1993af       03508                Trovatore: Breeze of the night (Verdi)                                                          D220
HO1994af                                 Cavalleria Rusticana: Santuzza’s romance (Mascagni)

14th July 1916 – Flora Woodman, soprano

HO2001af                                 Parla! Valzer (Arditi)
HO2002af       2-053125           Parla! Valzer (Arditi)
HO2941ae                                 Cossack’s cradle song (arr Whishaw)
HO2942ae                                 Ye banks and braes (old Scotch)
HO2943ae                                 Ye banks and braes (old Scotch)

19th July 1916 – Miriam Licette, soprano

HO2013af       03514                The Magic Flute: Ah, I know it (Mozart)                                                      D110
HO2014af       2-033055           Mignon: Je suis Titania (Thomas)                                                                D112

27th July 1916 – Phyllis Lett, soprano

HO2048af                                 The arrow and the song (Balfe)
HO2049af       03521                The arrow and the song (Balfe)                                                                    D251
HO2989ae                                 Creation’s hymn (Beethoven)
HO2990ae                                 Creation’s hymn (Beethoven)
HO2991ae       2-3280               Ships that pass in the night (Stephenson)

24th October 1916 – Percy Pitt, piano
HO2257af       Test                    Friend o’ mine (Sanderson)

1st November 1916 – Rosina Buckman, soprano; Walter Hyde, tenor

HO2287af                                 Romeo and Juliette: O shrine of beauty (Gounod)
HO2288af       04195                Romeo and Juliette: O shrine of beauty (Gounod)                                         D118
HO2289af                                 La Traviata: Far from gay Paris (Verdi)
HO2290af       04187                La Traviata: Far from gay Paris (Verdi)                                                        D118

1st November 1916 – Walter Hyde, tenor

HO2291af                                 Elijah: If with all your hearts (Mendelssohn)
HO2292af                                 The Prodigal Son: I will arise (Sullivan)
HO2292½af     02700                The Prodigal Son: I will arise (Sullivan)

5th January 1917 – Jeanne Brola, soprano

HO2426af       03603                The Marriage of Figaro: Ye who have knowledge (Mozart)                           D198
HO2427af       03586                Dear heart (Mattei)                                                                                      D197
HO2428af                                 Adonais, An elegy (Shelley-Landon Ronald)

15th May 1917 – Flora Woodman, soprano

HO3588ae                                 The lass with the delicate air (Arne)
HO3589ae       2-3277               The lass with the delicate air (Arne)
HO3590ae                                 A pastoral (Carey arr Lane Wilson)
HO3591ae       2-3288               A pastoral (Carey arr Lane Wilson)
HO3592ae                                 The old folks at home (Foster), with piano, to the accompaniment of Dvořák’s Humoreske
HO3593ae                                 The old folks at home (Foster), with piano, to the accompaniment of Dvořák’s Humoreske

15th May 1917 – Flora Woodman, soprano

HO2650af                                 The echo (Eckert)
HO2651af       03574                The echo (Eckert)                                                                                        D289

19th June 1917 – Rosina Buckman, soprano

HO3634ae                                 Waita poi (Maori love song)(Hill)
HO3635ae       2-3308               Waita poi (Maori love song)(Hill)                                                                 E182

19th June 1917 – Rosina Buckman, soprano

HO2700af                                 Il Trovatore: The night calm and serene (Verdi)
HO2701af       03591                Il Trovatore: The night calm and serene (Verdi)                                              D99
HO2702af       03640                For ever with the Lord (Gounod)                                                                    D97
HO2703af                                 For ever with the Lord (Gounod)

19th July 1917 – Miriam Licette, soprano

HO2749af                                 The Marriage of Figaro: Love, I pray on me take pity (Mozart)
HO2750af       03596                The Marriage of Figaro: Love, I pray on me take pity (Mozart)                      D111
HO2751af                                 Goodbye (Tosti), with piano
HO2752af                                 Goodbye (Tosti), with piano
HO2753af                                 The Marriage of Figaro: Gone for ever (Dove sono)(Mozart)
HO2754af                                 The Marriage of Figaro: Gone for ever (Dove sono)(Mozart)
HO2755af                                 Louise: On that fair day (Charpentier)
HO2756af       03579                Louise: On that fair day (Charpentier)

11th December 1917 – Rosina Buckman, soprano; Walter Hyde, tenor

HO3004af                                 Maritana: Oh, Maritana (Wallace)
HO3005af       04217                Maritana: Oh, Maritana (Wallace)                                                                D119
HO3006af                                 Romeo and Juliette: O night of Hymen (Gounod)

11th December 1917 – Rosina Buckman, soprano

HO3007af       03610                It was a dream (Cowen)                                                                                 D97

11th December 1917 – Rosina Buckman, soprano; Walter Hyde, tenor

HO3008af                                 Romeo and Juliette: O night of Hymen (Gounod)
HO3009af       04249                O lovely night (Ronald), with piano PERCY PITT                                       D119

20th February 1918 – Robert Radford, bass

HO3085af                                 Boris Godunov: My power is absolute (Musorgsky)
HO3086af       02792                Boris Godunov: My power is absolute (Musorgsky)                                      D115
HO3087af       02812                The Marriage of Figaro: I’ll have vengeance (Mozart)                                   D115
HO3088af       02819                The Flight from the Seraglio: When a maiden takes your fancy (Mozart)        D114
HO3089af       02804                The Flight from the Seraglio: Ah, my pretty brace of fellows                         D114
HO3090af                                 The Flight from the Seraglio: Ah, my pretty brace of fellows

22nd March 1918 – Jeanne Brola, soprano

HO3154af                                 Ivan The Terrible: Olga’s aria (…..                                                          [?opera]

22nd March 1918 – Jeanne Brola, soprano

HO4030ae                                 Pagliacci: Ballatella (Leoncavallo)
HO4031ae                                 American Battle Hymn (Howe)

11th July 1918 – Edna Thornton, contralto, Walter Hyde, tenor

HO4274ae       3-4030               Il Trovatore: In the combat with me he contended (Verdi)                                E20

11th July 1918 – Edna Thornton, contralto; Walter Hyde, tenor

HO3363af                                 Il Trovatore: If a moment I but linger (Verdi)
HO3364af       04250                Il Trovatore: If a moment I but linger (Verdi)                                                D120
HO3365af                                 Il Trovatore: Home to our mountains
HO3366af       04251                Il Trovatore: Home to our mountains                                                            D120

26th July 1918 – John Harrison, tenor

HO3403af                                 Faust: All hail thou dwelling (Gounod)
HO3404af                                 Faust: All hail thou dwelling (Gounod)
HO3405af       02809                Faust: All hail thou dwelling (Gounod)                                                         D229
HO3406af       02810                Pagliacci: On with the motley (Leoncavallo)                                              D237
HO3407af                                 Pagliacci: On with the motley (Leoncavallo)
HO3408af       02834                Carmen: Flower song (Bizet)                                                                       D229
HO3409af                                 Carmen: Flower song (Bizet)

26th August 1918 – Miriam Licette, soprano

HO3429af                                 The Flight from the Seraglio: I am dreaming of the springtime (Mozart)
HO3430af       03634                The Flight from the Seraglio: I am dreaming of the springtime (Mozart)         D112
HO3431af       03635                The Marriage of Figaro: Gone for ever those days of pleasure (Mozart)          D111
HO3432af                                 La Tosca: Vissi d’arte (Puccini)
HO3433af                                 La Tosca: Vissi d’arte (Puccini)

12th September 1918 – Rosina Buckman, soprano

HO3447af                                 Cavalleria Rusticana: Mother, you know the story (Mascagni)
HO3448af                                 Cavalleria Rusticana: Mother, you know the story (Mascagni)
HO3449af                                 La Bohème: They call me Mimi (Puccini)
HO3450af       03632                La Bohème: They call me Mimi (Puccini)                                                       D99
HO3451af                                 Aida: O patria mia (Verdi)
HO3452af                                 Aida: O patria mia (Verdi)
HO3453af       03633                Carmen: Micaela’s air (Bizet)                                                                        D98
HO3454af                                 Carmen: Micaela’s air (Bizet)

23rd September 1918 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano

HO3465af                                 The lover’s curse (Irish arr H Hughes)
HO3466af                                 The lover’s curse (Irish arr H Hughes)

26th September 1918 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano

HO3467af       03637                My ships (Barratt)                                                                                     DB511
HO3468af                                 My ships (Barratt)

26th September 1918 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano

HO4418ae       2-3331               Boat song (Stanford)                                                                                 DA438
HO4419ae       2-3311               Now sleeps the crimson petal (Quilter)                                                      DA434
HO4420ae                                 I know where I’m going (arr H Hughes)
HO4421ae                                 Robin Dale (Noel Johnson)
HO4422ae                                 Robin Dale (Noel Johnson)

13th March 1919 – Miriam Licette, soprano

HO3647af                                 The Flight from the Seraglio: Never more can hope delude me (Mozart)
HO3648af                                 The Flight from the Seraglio: Never more can hope delude me (Mozart)
HO3649af                                 Otello: Ave Maria (Verdi)
HO3650af                                 Otello: Ave Maria (Verdi)
HO3651af       03648                Tannhäuser: Elisabeth’s greeting (Wagner)                                                   D110

19th June 1919 – Flora Woodman, soprano

HO3813af                                 Il Barbiere di Siviglia: Una voce poco fa (Rossini)
HO3814af                                 Se saran rose (Arditi), in Italian
HO3815af       2-053170           Se saran rose (Arditi), in Italian                                          (03715 not used) D465
HO3816af       2-053169           Semiramide: Bel raggio lusinghier (Rossini)                       (03714 not used) D465
HO3817af                                 Semiramide: Bel raggio lusinghier (Rossini)

20th June 1919 – Olga Haley, soprano

HO3818af                                 A soul’s anguish (M Phillips)

20th June 1919 – Olga Haley, soprano

HO4956ae                                 Harp of the woodland (Easthope Martin)
HO4957ae                                 Life and death (Coleridge Taylor)
HO4958ae                                 Life and death (Coleridge Taylor)

30th June 1919 – Olga Haley ,soprano

HO3852af                                 Semele: Where’er you walk (Handel)
HO3853af                                 Semele: Where’er you walk (Handel)

30th June 1919 – Olga Haley, soprano

HO4972ae                                 At night (Landon Ronald)
HO4973ae                                 At night (Landon Ronald)
HO4974ae                                 Carmen: Bohemian love song (Bizet)
HO4975ae       2-3352               Carmen: Bohemian love song (Bizet)                                                              E20

4th July 1919 – Fernand Ansseau, tenor with piano Mme Adami and orchestra

HO3857af       2-032034           Roméo et Juliette: Ah, lève-toi, soleil (Gounod)
HO3858af       2-032034X         Roméo et Juliette: Ah, lève-toi, soleil (Gounod)                                          DB486
HO3859af       2-032033           Carmen: Air de la fleur (Bizet)
HO3860af       2-032033X         Carmen: Air de la fleur (Bizet)                                                                  DB482
HO3861af                                 Paillasse: Me grimer (Leoncavallo)
HO3862af       2-032035           Paillasse: Me grimer (Leoncavallo)                                                            DB483
HO3863af       2-032036           Au drapeau (Cornélis)                                                                               DB484

25th July 1919 – Fernand Ansseau, tenor with piano Mme Adami and orchestra

HO3899af       2-032038           La Tosca: Le ciel luisait d’étoiles (Puccini)                                                DB483
HO3900af                                 La Tosca: Douce harmonie
HO3901af       2-032039           Werther: Invocation – O Nature (Massenet)                                                DB485
HO3902af       2-032040           Werther: Le Désolation de Werther – J‘aurais sur ma poitrine                      DB485

25th July 1919 – Marie Louise Edvina, soprano, with piano Mrs Baker

HO3903af                                 Le Noël des enfants qui n’ont plus de maisons (Debussy)

25th July 1919 – Marie Louise Edvina, soprano
     HO3904af                                 Louise: Depuis le jour (Charpentier)

5th November 1919 – Marie Louise Edvina, soprano with piano Mrs Baker and orchestra

HO4086af                                 La Tosca: Vissi d’arte (Puccini)
HO4087af       2-033071           Louise: Depuis le jour (Charpentier)                                                          DB548
HO4088af                                 Louise: Depuis le jour (Charpentier)
HO4089af       2-053150           La Tosca: Vissi d’arte (Puccini)                                                                 DB548

23rd December 1919 – Stella Power soprano with John Cockerill, harp and orchestra

HO4206af                                 Il Flauto Magico: Ah, lo so (Mozart)
HO4207-1af    2-053171           Romeo e Giulietta: Nella calma (Gounod)
HO4207-2af                              Romeo e Giulietta: Nella calma (Gounod)
HO4208-1af    2-053166           Lucia di Lammermoor: Regnava nel silenzio (Donizetti)                                 D54
HO4208-2af                              Lucia di Lammermoor: Regnava nel silenzio

28th April 1920 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano

HO5625-1ae                              Linden Lea (R Vaughan Williams)
HO5625-2ae                              Linden Lea (R Vaughan Williams)

29th April 1920 – Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano

HO4366-1af    03721                Little house of blessing (Lohr)                                                                   DB514
HO4366-2af                              Little house of blessing (Lohr)
HO4367af                                 L’esclave (Lalo)
HO4368af                                 Gipsies (Peel)

19th May 1920 – Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto with Percy Pitt, piano

HO4390af                                 Three fishers went sailing (Hullah)
HO4391-1af    2-033082           Plaisir d’amour (Martini)                                                                           DB510
HO4391-2af                              Plaisir d’amour (Martini)

20th May 1920 – Louise Kirkby-Lunn, contralto with flute, Mr Barton

HO5664-1ae                              By the waters of Minnetonka (Lieurance), with flute obbligato
HO5664-2ae                              By the waters of Minnetonka (Lieurance), with flute obbligato

29th May 1920 – Graziella Pareto, soprano

HO4414-1af                              I Pescatori di Perle: Siccome un dì (Bizet)
HO4414-2af    2-053178           I Pescatori di Perle: Siccome un dì (Bizet)
HO4415-1af                              Il bacio (Arditi)
HO4415-2af    2-053179           Il bacio (Arditi)                                                                                        DB564
HO4416-1af    2-053173           Don Pasquale: Quel guardo il cavaliere (Donizetti)                                     DB567
HO4416-2af                              Don Pasquale: Quel guardo il cavaliere (Donizetti)

9th June 1920 – Fernand Ansseau, tenor

HO4427-1af                              Hérodiade: Ne pouvant reprimer (Massenet)
HO4427-2af    2-032056           Hérodiade: Ne pouvant reprimer (Massenet)                                               DB623
HO4428-1af                              Aubade (Mattinata)(Redhegiere)
HO4428-2af    2-032055           Aubade (Mattinata)(Redhegiere)

9th June 1920 – Fernand Ansseau, tenor

HO5717-1ae    7-32035             Rigoletto: Qu’une belle (Verdi)
HO5717-2ae                              Rigoletto: Qu’une belle (Verdi)

10th June 1920 – Graziella Pareto, soprano

HO5718ae                                 O bimba bimbetta (Sibella)

10th June 1920 – Graziella Pareto, soprano

HO4429-1af                              La Traviata: Ah, fors’è lui (Verdi)
HO4429-2af    2-053177           La Traviata: Ah, fors’è lui (Verdi)                                                             DB565
HO4430-1af                              Le Nozze di Figaro: Deh vieni non tardar (Mozart)
HO4430-2af    2-053176           Le Nozze di Figaro: Deh vieni non tardar (Mozart)                                     DB567
HO4431-1af                              La Traviata: Sempre libera (Verdi)
HO4431-2af    2-053175           La Traviata: Sempre libera (Verdi)                                                             DB565
HO4432af       2-053174           O Bimba bimbetta (Sibella)                                                                       DB564

29th June 1920 – Fernand Ansseau, tenor

HO4447-1af                              Joseph: Champs paternels (Méhul)
HO4447-2af    2-032057           Joseph: Champs paternels (Méhul)                                              DB482 AGSB82
HO4448af       2-032058           Manon: Ah fuyez (Massenet)                                                                (not used)
HO4449af                                 Werther: Pourquoi me réveiller (Massenet)

29th June 1920 – Fernand Ansseau, tenor

HO5747ae       7-32036             Werther: Pourquoi me réveiller (Massenet)                                                DA427

2nd April 1921 – Marie Louise Edvina, soprano

Bb 32-1                                     Thaïs: Qui te fait si sévère (Massenet)
Bb 32-2           7-33037             Thaïs: Qui te fait si sévère (Massenet)                                              DA447 VA48
Bb 33-1                                     Thaïs: L’amour est une vertue rare
Bb 33-2           7-3303               Thaïs: L’amour est une vertue rare                                                   DA447 VA48
Cc 34-1                                     Phidylé (Henri Duparc), piano PERCY PITT
Cc 34-2           2-033085           Phidylé (Henri Duparc), piano PERCY PITT                                              DB547
Bb 35-1                                     Chanson triste (Henri Duparc), piano PERCY PITT

21st April 1921 – Rosina Buckman, soprano; Edna Thornton, contralto

Cc 85-1,2,3                                Aida: Nay, tell me then, what new-fledged love (Verdi), pt 1
Cc 86-1,2                                  Aida: Nay, tell me then, what new-fledged love (Verdi), pt 2
(further takes on 2nd May)

22nd April 1921 – Dmitri Smirnov, tenor

Cc 87-1                                     Sadko: Hindu song (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Cc 87-2           2-022003           Sadko: Hindu song (Rimsky-Korsakov)                                                     DB581
Bb 88-1           7-22008             Dobrinya Nikitich: Flowers are blooming (Grechaninov)                        (not used)
Bb 89-1           7-52174             Maria Mari (di Capua)                                                                              DA463
Bb 89-2                                     Maria Mari (di Capua)

29th April 1921 – Dmitri Smirnov, tenor

Cc 110-1         2-032065           Roméo et Juliette: L’amour, l’amour … Ah, lève-toi, soleil (Gounod)            DB595
Cc 110-2                                   Roméo et Juliette: L’amour, l’amour … Ah, lève-toi, soleil (Gounod)
Cc 111-1         052193              Mefistofele: Giunto sul passo estremo (Boito)                                            DB582
Cc 111-2                                   Mefistofele: Giunto sul passo estremo (Boito)
Cc 112-1                                   Les Pêcheurs de Perles: Je crois entendre encore (Bizet)
Cc 112-2         2-052194           Les Pêcheurs de Perles: Je crois entendre encore (Bizet)                             DB583

2nd May 1921 – Rosina Buckman, soprano; Edna Thornton, contralto

Cc 85-4,5                                  Aida: Nay, tell me then, what new-fledged love (Verdi), pt 1
Cc 86-3,4                                  Aida: Nay, tell me then, what new-fledged love (Verdi), pt 2
(takes 5 and 6 of Cc 86 with Byng on 14th December 1921)

6th May 1921 – The Symphony Orchestra

Cc 132-1                                   Die Götterdämmerung: Siegfrieds Rheinfahrt (Wagner- Humperdinck), part 2
3-0612 D559 W423 AB3   2-0250633 S8160
Cc 132-2                                   Die Götterdämmerung: Siegfrieds Rheinfahrt (Wagner- Humperdinck), part 2
Cc 133-1                                   Die Götterdämmerung: Siegfrieds Rheinfahrt (Wagner- Humperdinck), part 1
Cc 133-2         3-0611               Die Götterdämmerung: Siegfrieds Rheinfahrt (Wagner- Humperdinck), part 1
D559 W423 AB3   2-0250632 S8160

3rd June 1921 – The Symphony Orchestra

Cc 212-1                                   Siegfried: Forest murmurs, Siegfried’s Journey (Wagner), pt 1
Cc 212-2         3-0629               Siegfried: Forest murmurs, Siegfried’s Journey (Wagner), pt 1
D561 W418   2-0250634 S8162
Cc 212-3                                   Siegfried: Forest murmurs, Siegfried’s Journey (Wagner), pt 1
Cc 213-1         3-0630               Siegfried: Forest murmurs, Siegfried’s Journey (Wagner), pt 2
D561 W418   2-0250635 S8162
Cc 213-2                                   Siegfried: Forest murmurs, Siegfried’s Journey (Wagner), pt 2

8th June 1921 – Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto

Cc 229-1,2                                 Love me or not (Secchi)
Bb 230-1,2                                L’esclave (Lalo), in French
Bb 231-1,2                                Linden Lea (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
Bb 232-1,2                                Reaping (Robert Coningsby Clarke)

23rd June 1921 – Dmitri Smirnov, tenor

Bb 304-1         7-52179             Il Tabarro: Hai ben ragione (Puccini)                                                         DA461
Bb 304-2                                   Il Tabarro: Hai ben ragione (Puccini)
Cc 305-1         2-022004           Eugene Onegin: How far, how far (Chaikovsky)                                         DB581
Cc 305-2         2-022004X         Eugene Onegin: How far, how far (Chaikovsky)                                         DB581

27th June 1921 – Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto

Bb 316-1,2                                The shepherd’s song (Elgar)
Cc 317-1,2,3                              Xerxes: Rest (Ombra mai fu)(Handel), in English
Bb 318-1,2,3                              Reaping (Robert Coningsby Clarke)
Cc 319-1         03770                Like to the damask rose (Elgar)                                                                 DB507

5th February 1922 – Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto

Cc 317-4                                   Xerxes: Rest (Ombra mai fu)(Handel), in English (organ ROPER)
Cc 317-5         03272X              Xerxes: Rest (Ombra mai fu)(Handel), in English (organ ROPER)               DB506
Cc 317-6                                   Xerxes: Rest (Ombra mai fu)(Handel), in English (organ ROPER)

29th June 1922 – Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto

Cc 317-7,8,9                              Xerxes: Rest (Ombra mai fu)(Handel), in English organ FRANCIS W SUTTEN)

10th October 1921 – Feodor Chaliapin, bass

Cc 549-1         2-022005           The song of the flea (Musorgsky)(Key B flat minor)                                   DB103
(takes 2 and 3 recorded 8th October 1924 with Julius Harrison, in A minor)
Cc 550-1         2-022006           The Prophet (Rimsky-Korsakov)(Key C major)                                          DB105
Cc 551-1,2,3                              In questa tomba oscura (Beethoven)(Key A flat major)

11th October 1921 – Feodor Chaliapin, bass

Cc 556-1         2-022007           The two grenadiers (Schumann)(Key C major)                                           DB102
(take 2 on 9th October 1922, and takes 3 and 4 on 23rd October 1922 all with George W Byng; issued take 5 on 8th October 1924 with Julius Harrison)
Cc 557-1         (2-022008)        When the King went forth to war (Th Koeneman)(Key A major)
(issued take 2 on 25th September 1922 with George W Byng)
Cc 558-1         2-022009           The midnight review (Glinka)(Key F minor)                                              DB102

12th October 1921 – Feodor Chaliapin, bass

Cc 551-4         2-052212           In questa tomba oscura (Beethoven)(Key A flat major)                               DB107
(take 5 recorded 25th September 1922, and 6 and 7, 23rd October 1922 all with George W Byng)
Cc 560-1         2-022010           Songs and Dances of Death: No 1 Trepak (Musorgsky)(Key D minor)         DB101

21st November 1921 – Rosina Buckman, soprano

Cc 693-1,2                                 Aida: Return victorious (Verdi)
(takes 3 and 4 on 28th March 1922 with Eugene Goossens)
Cc 694-1,2                                 Lohengrin: Elsa’s dream (Wagner)
Cc 695-1         21-11-21            Tannhäuser: Elisabeth’s greeting to the Hall of Song (Wagner)
(takes 2 and 3 on 28th March 1922 with Eugene Goossens)

24th November 1921 – Edna Thornton, contralto

La Gioconda: Romance (Voci di donna)(Ponchielli)
Cc 706-1,2                                 La Gioconda: Romance (Voci di donna)(Ponchielli)
Cc 707-1                                   Samson and Delilah: Softly awakes my heart (Saint-Saëns)
Cc 707-2         03408X              Samson and Delilah: Softly awakes my heart (Saint-Saëns)                           D282
Cc 708-1,2                                 Carmen: Seguidille (Bizet)

12th December 1921 – Walter Hyde, tenor

Cc 769-1                                   Lohengrin: Lohengrin’s farewell – My trusty swan (Wagner)
Cc 769-2         02931                Lohengrin: Lohengrin’s farewell – My trusty swan (Wagner)                          D598
Bb 770-1,2                                The minstrel (Easthope Martin)

21st December 1921 – Rosina Buckman, soprano

Cc 821-1                                   The Tales of Hoffmann: Thou art flown (Offenbach)
Cc 821-2         03772                The Tales of Hoffmann: Thou art flown (Offenbach)                                     D599
Cc 822-1         03771                On wings of song (Mendelssohn)                                                                 D599
Cc 822-2                                   On wings of song (Mendelssohn)
Cc 823-1,2                                 Tristan and Isolde: Isolde’s Liebeslied (Wagner)

9th January 1922 – Edna Thornton, contralto

Cc 865-1                                   Samson and Delilah: Fair spring (Saint-Saëns)
Cc 865-2         03780                Samson and Delilah: Fair spring (Saint-Saëns)                                              D619
Cc 866-1         03781                Samson and Delilah: O Love, from thy power (Saint-Saëns)                          D619
Cc 866-2                                   Samson and Delilah: O Love, from thy power (Saint-Saëns)
Bb 867-1                                   Shepherd’s cradle song (A Somervell)
Bb 867-2         2-3671               Shepherd’s cradle song (A Somervell)                                                           E261

3rd February 1922 – Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto

Cc 972-1         03210X              The Messiah: He shall feed His flock (Handel)                                           DB506
Cc 972-2                                   The Messiah: He shall feed His flock (Handel)
Cc 973-1                                   Samson and Delila: Softly awakes my heart (Saint-Saëns)

29th June 1922 – Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto

Cc 973-2,3,4                              Samson and Delila: Softly awakes my heart (Saint-Saëns)

19th January 1923 – Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto

Cc 973-5,6                                 Samson and Delila: Softly awakes my heart (Saint-Saëns) (in French)
Cc 973-7         2-033033X         Samson and Delila: Softly awakes my heart (Saint-Saëns) (in French)         DB509

20th June 1922 – Clarence Whitehill, baritone

Die Meistersinger: Wahn, wahn (Wagner), in German
Cc 1499-1                                 Die Meistersinger: Wahn, wahn (Wagner), in German
Cc 1499-2       2-042020           Die Meistersinger: Wahn, wahn (Wagner), in German                                DB442
Cc 1500-1,2                               Die Walküre: Abschied – Der Augen leuchtendes Paar (Wagner), in German
Cc 1500-3       2-042002X         Die Walküre: Abschied – Der Augen leuchtendes Paar (Wagner), in German DB442

29th June 1922 – Robert Radford, bass

Cc 730-4                                   Prince Igor: Galitsky’s song – If I were Prince (Borodin)
Cc 730-5         02960                Prince Igor: Galitsky’s song – If I were Prince (Borodin)                                D648
(takes 1 and 2 on 1st December 1921, take 3 on 30th May 1922 all with George W Byng
Cc 1585-1                                                                                       Die Meistersinger: Pogner’s address (Wagner)
Cc 1585-2       3-0875                                                                     Die Meistersinger: Pogner’s address (Wagner)
Cc 1586-1       3-0857               Die Götterdämmerung: Hagen’s Watch, A1 (Wagner)               D704 W572 (set 4)

21st July 1922 – Walter Hyde, tenor

Cc 1706-1,2                               Tannhäuser: The pilgrimage (Wagner), pt1
Cc 1707-1,2                               Tannhäuser: The pilgrimage (Wagner), pt2

15th September 1922 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano (for Victor Co.) [CDH 7 63805 2 takes uncertain]

Bb 1835-1,2                               I Millioni d’Arlecchino: Serenata (Drigo), in Italian
Bb 1836-1,2                               Come le rose (G Lama), in Italian
Cc 1837-1,2                               Parla! Valzer (Arditi), in Italian

23rd September 1922 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano (for Victor Co.)

Bb 1883-1,2                               Serenata (Toselli), in Italian
Bb 1884-1,2                               I Puritani: Son vergin vezzoso (Bellini), in Italian

23rd September 1922 – Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano; Attilio Baggiari, tenor (for Victor Co.)

Cc 1885-1                                 Rigoletto: E il sol dell’anima (Verdi)

14th December 1922 – Florence Austral, soprano; Tudor Davies, tenor with Symphony Orchestra

Cc 2270-1       3-0860               Siegfried: Brunnhilde’s awakening (Wagner)                            D701 W569 (set 4)
Cc 2270-2                                 Siegfried: Brunnhilde’s awakening (Wagner)

Cc 2271-1                                 Lohengrin: Love duet, pt 2 – Breathest thou not (Wagner)
Cc 2271-2       3-0867               Lohengrin: Love duet, pt 2 – Breathest thou not (Wagner)                              D931

19th January 1923, Louise Kirkby Lunn, contralto

Cc 2410-1,2                               Elijah: O rest in the Lord (Mendelssohn)
Cc 2410-3       03269X              Elijah: O rest in the Lord (Mendelssohn)                                                    DB504

19th January 1923 – Edna Thornton, contralto

Cc 706-3,4                                 La Gioconda: Romance (Voci di donna)(Ponchielli)
(takes 5 and 6 on 14th September 1923 with George W Byng)
Cc 1864-3,4                               Alceste: Ye powers that dewll below (Divinités du Styx) (Gluck)
(takes 1 and 2 on 20th September 1922 with Eugene Goossens, takes 5 and 6 on 4th January 1924 with George W Byng, take 6 issued)
Bb 2412-1,2                               Lurline: Gentle troubadour, Ballad (W Vincent Wallace)
Bb 2412-3       2-3771               Lurline: Gentle troubadour, Ballad (W Vincent Wallace)                               E298

Columbia and Regal (G) – with BBC Wireless SO unless noted

11th September 1923 – British National Opera Company Orchestra, Beatrice Miranda, soprano

AX 144-1,-2                              Tristan and Isolde Prelude pt 1
AX 145-1,-2                              Tristan and Isolde Prelude pt 2
AX 146-1,-2,-3                          Tristan and Isolde Mild and softly he is smiling (Liebestod)

12th September 1923 – British National Opera Company Orchestra, Beatrice Miranda, soprano; Frank Mullings, tenor

AX 147-1,-2                              Tristan and Isolde Act II scene 2 Love Duet (But the Light its fear and defeat afraid)
AX 148-1,-2                              Tristan and Isolde Act II scene 2 Love Duet (O night of rapture)

14th February 1924 – British National Opera Company Orchestra(?), James Reedman, cor anglais; Harold Williams, baritone, Sydney Russell, tenor, Frank Mullings, tenor

AX 308-1,-2                              Tristan and Isolde Prelude Act III, pt 1
AX 309-1,-2,-3                          Tristan and Isolde Prelude Act III, pt 2, opening of Act 3 (Reedman, Williams, Russell)
AX 310-1,-2,-3                          Tristan and Isolde Act III The awakening of Tristan (Mullings, Williams)

22nd July 1924

AX 529-1 (of 2)                         Lyric Suite Op.54 No.1 (Grieg)                                                                       990
AX 530-2                                  Lyric Suite Op.54 No.2 (Grieg)                                                                       990
(990 available 10/24 to 5/28)

29th August 1924

AX 531-3                                  Lyric Suite Op.54 No.3 (Grieg)                                                                       991
AX 532-4                                  Lyric Suite Op.54 No.4 (Grieg)                                                                       991
(991 available 10/24 to 5/28)
AX 569-1                                  Empire March (Elgar)                                                                                  9059
(9059 available 12/25 to 4/27)
AX 570-1,-2                              Manon Lescaut Act III Intermezzo (British Broadcasting SO)

16th January 1925

AX 859-1,-2                              Scènes napolitaine (Massenet) (BBC Wireless SO) La Danse]
AX 860-1,-2                              Scènes napolitaine (Massenet) (BBC Wireless SO) La Procession]
AX 861-1,-2                              Scènes napolitaine (Massenet) (BBC Wireless SO) La Fete
AX 862-1 (of 2)                         Krakowiak – Russian Dance (Moszkowski)                                                   9059
(9059 available 12/25 to 4/27)

3rd December 1925

WAX 1178-2                             Semiramide Overture Pt.1 (Rossini)                                                              9076
WAX 1179-1,2                          Semiramide Overture Pt.2 (Rossini)                                                              9076
(9076 available 3/26 to 4/41)

     WAX 1180-1 (of 2)                   Les Millions d’Arlequin Serenade (Drigo)                                                     9092
WAX 1181-1                             Minuet (Boccherini)                                                                                     9092
(9092 available 6/26 to 2/48, minuet replaced later in 1926)

22nd February 1926

WAX 1311-2                             Coq d’Or – Russian Dance (Rimsky-Korsakov)                                             9101
WAX 1312-1 (of 2)                    Coq d’Or – Bridal Procession (Rimsky-Korsakov)                                         9101
(9101 available 8/26 to 1/37)
WAX 1313-2                             Concert Waltz (Glazounov)                                                                          9114
WAX 1314-2                             Le Villi – Witches’ Dance (Puccini)                                                              9114
(9114 available 10/26 to 1/39)

23rd February 1926

WAX 1315-2                             Jewels of the Madonna – Intermezzo Act 3 (Wolf-Ferrari)                              9091
WAX 1316-1 (of 2)                    Jewels of the Madonna – Intermezzo Act 2 (Wolf-Ferrari)                              9091
(9091 available 5/26 to 1/37)
WAX 1317-2                             Christmas Overture pt 1 (Coleridge-Taylor)                                                   9137
WAX 1318-2                             Christmas Overture pt 2 (Coleridge-Taylor)                                                   9137
(9137 available 12/26 to 1/39)

27th April 1926

WAX 1499-1,2                          Barber of Seville overture pt 1 (Rossini)
WAX 1500-1,2                          Barber of Seville overture pt 2 (Rossini)
WAX 1501-2                             Bohemian Girl overture pt 1 (Balfe)                                                              9160
(9160 available from 1/27 to 4/41)

11th June 1926

WAX 1502-3 (of 4)                    Bohemian Girl overture pt 2 (Balfe)                                                              9160
(9160 available from 1/27 to 4/41)
WAX 1499-3 (of 4)                    Barber of Seville overture pt 1 (Rossini)                                                        9166
WAX 1500-4                             Barber of Seville overture pt 2 (Rossini)                                                        9166
(9166 available from 2/27 to 2/48)
WAX 1181-3                             Minuet (Boccherini)                                                                                     9092
(9092 2nd version of Minuet from late 1926 to 3/1927)

28th April 1926

WAX 1507-1                             Il Trovatore – selections (Verdi)
WAX 1508-1,-2                         Il Trovatore – selections (Verdi)
WAX 1509-1 (of 2)                    Carmen – selection 1 (Bizet)                                                                         9125
WAX 1510-1 (of 2)                    Carmen – selection 2 (Bizet)                                                                         9125
(9125 available from 11/26 to 4/41)

8th July 1927

WAX 1775-1 (of 2)                    Coppelia – Ballet Music: Entracte & Valse (Delibes)                                     901R
WAX 1776-1 (of 2)                    Coppelia – Ballet Music: Prelude & Mazurka (Delibes)                                 901R
(901R replaced 1922 recording with LSO/Goossens, available from 9/26 to 3/42)
WAX 1777-1,-2                         Faust – selection 1 (Gounod) (careless idle maiden, Kermesse scene)

16th December 1926

WAX 1179-3,4                          Semiramide Overture Pt.2 (Rossini) (Australian issue?)                                  9076
WAX 2298-1 (of 2)                    Faust selection pt 1 (Gounod) (Careless idle maiden, Red or white liquor)    (9413)
WAX 2299-1 (of 2)                    Faust selection pt 2 (Gounod) (highborn gentle maid, Light as air)                (9413)
(9413/4 Cancelled & not issued – masters sent to Spain & USA)

13th January 1927

WRAX 2340-1                          Il Trovatore selection pt 1 (Verdi)                                                                 9185
WRAX 2341-1                          Il Trovatore selection pt 2 (Verdi)                                                                 9185
(9185 available from 4/27 to 4/41)
WRAX 2342-1,-2                      La Traviata – selections (Verdi) (BBC Wireless SO) (rec Wigmore Hall)
WAX 2343-2   13/1/27              Minuet (Boccherini)                                                                                     9092
(3rd version of minuet on 9092 available 3/27 to 2/48)

14th January 1927

WAX 2348-1-2                          Faust selection pt 3 (Gounod)                                                                     (9414)
WAX 2349-1-2                          Faust selection pt 4 (Gounod) (a) Soldiers chorus                                        (9414)
(9413/4 Cancelled & not issued – masters sent to Spain & USA)
WAX 2350-1 (of 2)                    Aida – Grand March (Verdi)                                                                         9259
WAX 2351-1 (of 2)                    Aida – selection (Verdi)                                                                               9259
(9259 available 12/27 to 4/41)

17th January 1927

WAX 2352                                Marche militaire (Schubert) (HM Grenadier Guards)


15th February 1927

WAX 2455-1-2                          Lohengrin Act 1 Introduction pt 1 (Wagner)
WAX 2456-1-2                          Lohengrin Act 1 Introduction pt 2 (Wagner)
WAX 2457-1 (of 2)                    Ruy Blas overture pt 1 (Mendelssohn)                                                           9278
WAX 2458-1 (of 2)                    Ruy Blas overture pt 2 (Mendelssohn)                                                           9278
(9278 available from 2/28 to 4/41)

29th June 1927

WAX 2907-1                             Casse-Noisette Suite – Marche (Tchaikovksy)                                               9260
WAX 2908-4                             Casse-Noisette Suite – Danse de la Fee Dragée; Danse des Mirlitons
(Tchaikovksy)                                                                                             9261
(all 4 takes same day)
WAX 2909-1                             Casse-Noisette Suite – Danse Chinois; Danse Russe  (Tchaikovksy)               9261
WAX 2910-2                             Casse-Noisette Suite – Danse Arabe (Tchaikovksy)                                       9262
WAX 2911-1 (of 2)                    Casse-Noisette Suite – Overture Miniature (Tchaikovsky)                              9260
WAX 2906-1 (of 2)                    Casse-Noisette Suite – Valse des Fleurs (Tchaikovksy)                                  9262
(9260-2 available 12/27 to 2/48)

25th November 1927

WAX 3133-1 (of 2)                    Aida – selection pt 1 (Verdi-Tavan) (NQHLO)                                              9304
WAX 3134-1 (of 2)                    Aida – selection pt 2 (Verdi-Tavan) (NQHLO)                                              9304
(9304 available from 4/28 to 11/40)
WAX 3135-2                             Tosca – selection pt 1 (Puccini-C Godfrey) (NQHLO)                                    9305
WAX 3136-2                             Tosca – selection pt 2 (Puccini-C Godfrey) (NQHLO)                                    9305
(9305 available from 4/28 to 6/40)
WAX 3137-1 (of 2)                    Madam Butterfly – selection pt 1 (Puccini-Tavan) (NQHLO)                         9306
WAX 3138-2                             Madam Butterfly – selection pt 2 (Puccini-Tavan) (NQHLO)                         9306
(9304 available from 4/28 to 4/41)

1st February 1928

WAX 3211-2                             La Bohème – selection pt 1 (Puccini) (NQHLO)                                            9307
WAX 3212-1                             La Bohème – selection pt 2 (Puccini) (NQHLO)                                            9307
La Boheme selections arranged by Frenchman, unable to decipher name
(9307 availble from 4/28 to 4/41)

3rd February 1928

WAX 3215-2                             Mignon – selection pt 1 (Thomas) (NQHLO)                                                 9308
WAX 3216-1 (of 2)                    Mignon – selection pt 2 (Thomas) (NQHLO)                                                 9308
(9308 available from 4/28 to 1.40)
WAX 3217-2                             Pagliacci selection pt 1 (Leoncavallo) (NQHLO)                                           9441
(9441 available from 9/28 to 4/41)

15th February 1928

WAX 3277-1                             Pagliacci selection pt 2 (Leoncavallo) (NQHLO) (Intro Act 2, Gavotte Act 2, Duet Act 2, Finale Act 2)                                                     9441
(9441 available from 9/28 to 4/41)
WAX 3278-1,-2                             Manon – selections (Massenet) (NQHLO) (a) Allez a l’a…. (I) (b) Et il sais votre nom (II)
WAX 3279-1,-2                         Manon – selections (Massenet) (NQHLO) (a) En fermant les yeux (b) Finale Duet

20th December 1928, Portman Rooms

WAX 4484-2 (of 3)                    Tannhäuser – Grand March (Wagner) (+BBC Choir)                                     9826
WAX 4485-1 (of 3)                    Tannhäuser – Pilgrims’s Chorus (Wagner) (+ BBC Choir)                              9826
(9826 available from 8/29 to 2/55)

18th January 1929, Westminster Central Hall

WAX 4564-1,2                          HMS Pinafore selection 1 (Sullivan) We sail the ocean blue; Sorry her lot;
When I was a lad; His foot should stamp
WAX 4565                                Il Trovatore selection 2 (Verdi) (rec Westminster Central Hall)
WAX 4566                                Il Trovatore selection 1 (Verdi) (rec Westminster Central Hall)
WAX 4567-1,2                           HMS Pinafore selection 2 (Sullivan) Little Buttercup; Gaily tripping,
lightly skipping; Then give three cheers; For he himself has said it

19th January 1929, Westminster Central Hall

WAX 4568-1 (of 2)                    Samson and Delilah selection 1 (Saint-Saëns arr Luigini): Glory to Dagon;
Fair spring is returning; Fair spring smiles again                                        G1072
WAX 4569-1 (of 2)                    Samson and Delilah selection 2 (Saint-Saëns arr Luigini): O Samson! O
thou my well beloved; Ah, once again Israel, burst your bonds                    G1072
(G1072 available from 10/29 to 3/41)

29th January 1929, Portman rooms

WAX 4598-1                             Lohengrin selection 1 (Wagner arr Luigini): Descent of Dove; Doth he not
seem from heaven descended; The Bridal March                                         G1074
WAX 4599-1                             Lohengrin selection 2 (Wagner arr Luigini): The King’s Prayer; Oh joy!
Oh joy! Intone a lay of pleasure (Finale Act 1)                                            G1074
(G1074 available from 11/29 to 3/41)

26th February 1929, Portman rooms

WAX 4697-2                             La Boutique Fantasque selection 1 (Respighi arr H Carr)                             G1065
(G1065 available from 5/29 to 3/41)
WAX 4698-2                             Iolanthe selection 2 (Sullivan arr C Godfrey) (If you go in; Sentry’s song,
O foolish fay, Finale to Act I)                                                                    G1067
(G1067 available from 6/29 to 3/41)

28th February 1929, Portman Rooms

WAX 4565-3                             Il Trovatore selection 2 (Verdi arr Tavan): Miserere; Now let the trumpet be sounding                                                                    G1071
WAX 4566-4                             Il Trovatore selection 1 (Verdi arr Tavan): Gipsy Chorus; Fierce flames are  raging;
All thou has told me; To tell of love so glowing                                          G1071
(G1071 available from 9/29 to 3/41)
WAX 4597-4                             Iolanthe selection 1 (Sullivan) (March of the Peers; None shall part us;
When I went to the bar; When Britain really ruled the waves)                      G1067
(G1067 available from 6/29 to 3/41)

28th February 1929, Westminster Central Hall

WAX 4707-1 (of 2)                    La Boutique Fantasque selection 2 (Respighi arr H Carr)                             G1065
WAX 4708-2                             La Cimarosiana pt2 (Cimarosa arr Malipiero): 4th mov: Larghetto,
5th mov: Allegro Vivace                                                                            G1073
(G1073 credited as Classic Symphony Orchestra, in fact BBCWSO, available 10/29 to 3/41)
WAX 4564-3(of 4)                     HMS Pinafore selection 1 (Sullivan) We sail the ocean blue; Sorry her lot;
When I was a lad; His foot should stamp (rec Westminster Central Hall)      G1069
WAX 4567-3(of 4)                     HMS Pinafore selection 2 (Sullivan) Little Buttercup; Gaily tripping,
lightly skipping; Then give three cheers; For he himself has said it               G1069
(G1069 available from 7/29 to 3/41)

23rd August 1929

WAX 5147-2 (of 4)                    La Cimarosiana pt1 (Cimarosa arr Malipiero): 1st mov: Andante gracioso,
2nd mov: Allegro moderato, 3rd  mov: Non troppo mosso                           G1073
(G1073 credited as Classic Symphony Orchestra, in fact BBCWSO, available 10/29 to 3/41)

3rd September 1929

WAX 5148-3 (of 6)                    Poet and Peasant overture pt 1 (Suppé) (Augmented SO)                                9760
WAX 5149-7 (of 8)                    Poet and Peasant overture pt 2 (Suppé) (Augmented SO)                                9760
(9760 available from 12/29 to 10/51)

10th March 1930, Westminster Central Hall (matrix sheets state “Orchestra”)

WAX 5456-1 (of 2)                    Light Cavalry – Overture Part 1 (Suppé) (Court SO)                                     DX42
WAX 5457-1 (of 2)                    Light Cavalry – Overture Part 2 (Suppé) (Court SO)                                     DX42
WAX 5458(-1 or -2)                  Raymond (Mignon?) – Overture Part 1 (Thomas) (Court SO)                      DX104
WAX 5459(-1 or -2)                  Raymond (Mignon?) – Overture Part 2 (Thomas) (Court SO)                      DX104

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